





1. 通过简单巧妙的化学合成方法制备性能优异的光电催化剂,将其应用在水分解、CO2还原等领域;

2. 通过理论计算等手段探索奇妙的微观过程和机制,归纳总结普适的物理化学道理;

3. 通过Python等语言开发程序实现自动化流程计算。


1. 滁州学院博士科研启动基金项目,2021年(已结项)


3. 基于课程思政的《化工热力学》教学探索,校级一般质量工程项目,2023年(已结项)

4. 化工热力学,校企共建示范课程,2024

5. 工程制图与CAD,高等学历继续教育网络课程建设项目,2024


1. Cai J., Hao X., Bian Z., Wu Y., Wei C., Yin X., Liu B., Fang M., Lv Y., Xie Y., Fang Y., Wang G. Elucidating the discrepancy between the intrinsic structural instability and the apparent catalytic steadiness of M-N-C catalysts toward oxygen evolution reaction [J]. Angewandte Chemie Interational Edition, 2024, 63(35): e202409079.

2. Zhang C.;#Hao X.;# Wang J.; Ding X.; Zhong Y.; Jiang Y.; Wu M.; Long R.; Gong W.; Liang C.; Cai W.; Low J.; Xiong Y. Concentrated Formic Acid from CO2 Electrolysis for Directly Driving Fuel Cell [J]. Angewandte Chemie Interational Edition, 2024, 63(13): e202317628.

3. Hao X.;* Ma C.; Mosallanezhad A.; Xue, J.; Wei, C.; Sun, N.; Wang, Y.; Feng, J.; Liu, J.; Wang. G. Evolution of Catalyst Structures and Reaction Intermediates during Electroreduction CO2 toward C2+ Product on Cu-based Catalyst: An Experimental and Theoretical Review [J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2024, 169:107906.

4. Koudakan, P. A.;#Hao X.;# Mosallanezhad, A.; Wei, C.; Cai, JY.; Xiao, JX.; Yang, YQ.; Liu, B.; Liu, J.; Fang, Y.; Wang, G. Electronic Perturbation by Interfacial Coupling of Iridium Cluster and Cu3P Accelerates Water Splitting Kinetics [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11,26742-26751.

5. Liu, B.;#Hao X.;# Zhai T.; Sun S.; Zhang, H.; Koudakan, P. A.; Wei, C.;Wang, G.; Xia, H. Regulating the 𝜋-𝜋 Interaction with Shortened Electron Tunneling Distance for Efficient Charge Storage [J]. Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 48: 403-411.

6. Koudakan, P. A.;Wei, C.; Mosallanezhad, A.; Liu, B.; Fang, Y.;*Hao, X.;* Qian, Y.; Wang, G. Constructing Reactive Micro-Environment in Basal Plane of MoS2 for pH-Universal Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis [J]. Small, 2022, 18: 2107974.

7. Niu, D.; Wei, C.; Lu, Z.; Fang, Y.; Liu, B.; Sun, D.; Hao, X.;* Pan, H.; Wang G.* Cu2O-Ag Tandem Catalysts for Selective Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to C2 Products [J]. Molecule, 2021, 26(8): 2175.

8. Hao, X.; Zhang, R.; Wang, B.; Ling, L.; Fan, M. Insight into Crystal Phase Dependent CO Dissociation on Rh Catalyst from DFT and Microkinetic Modeling [J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(12): 6756-6769.

9. Hao, X.; Zhang, R.; Ling, L.; Wang, B. Insight into the Diffusion Mechanism of Cu Cluster over Cu(111) Surface: Effect of Syngas and H2S Atmosphere on Cu Diffusion [J]. Chemical Physics, 2019, 522: 24-31.

10. Hao, X.; Zhang, R.; Ling, L.; Wang, B. Effect of Syngas and H2S Atmosphere on Rh Surface Diffusion: A DFT Study [J]. Coal Conversion, 2019, 42: 40.

11. Hao, X.; Zhang, R.; Wang, B.; Ling, L. Coverage-Dependent Adsorption, Dissociation and Aggregation of H2O on the Clean and Pre-Adsorbed Oxygen Cu(111) Surface: A DFT Study [J]. Molecule Catalysis, 2018, 445: 152-162.

12. Hao, X.; Wang, B.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Li. D. Insight into both Coverage and Surface Structure Dependent CO Adsorption and Activation on Different Ni Surfaces from DFT and Atomistic Thermodynamics [J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(26): 17606-17618.

13. Hao, X.; Wang Q.; Li D.; Zhang, R.; Wang, B. The Adsorption and Dissociation of Methane on Cobalt Surfaces: Thermochemistry and Reaction Barriers [J]. RSC Advance, 2014, 4: 43004.

邮  箱:haoxb@chzu.edu.cn, haoxb@ustc.edu.cn
